
Jugni Jukebox
  1. Jugni Jukebox // Raúl - Jugni Jukebox
Remix Trendz
  1. Remix Trendz // Raúl - Remix Trendz
Non Stop Party Shots 2
  1. Non Stop Party Shots 2 // Non Stop Party Shots 2
Non Stop Party Shots 3
  1. Non Stop Party Shots 3 // Non Stop Party Shots 3
Bollywood Patry Themes
  1. Bollywood Party Themes // Bollywood Patry Themes
Zoom Pick of the Celebs
  1. Zoom Pick of the Celebs // Zoom Pick of the Celebs
Bindaas Hits
  1. Bindaas // Bindaas Hits
Jalwa 4
  1. Jalwa 4 // Jalwa 4
War of the DJs 3
  1. War of the DJs 3 // Raúl - War of the DJs 3
Club Shots
  1. Club Shots // Raúl - Club Shots
Bollywood's Dream Themes
  1. The Bollywood’s Dream Themes // Raúl - Bollywood's Dream Themes